Thursday, May 20, 2010

How To Install The Sims 2 On Mac

site-specific installations to display Flash, Parma

Which way should now have the artwork and what should be possible to send messages because they are not self but useful to contemporary society?
This installation would sensitize the citizens to reflect on the current loss of contents of the speeches dealt with in everyday life, surrounded by people now lived longer without even realizing it in a world overflowing with images, giant billboards, logos and repeated ad nauseum communication made almost exclusively by slogans, preset phrases without any causal link. So
two strips of cellophane transparent overlay are be texts written on them incomprehensible, confused and indivisible, unspoken communication, words floating on a multitude of invisible support where everything is the opposite of everything and no longer understands what is right and the left, the front and back. The person
contemporary black daily, addicted by this climate of commercialization of everything, even the word, which makes the word used in inappropriate contexts becomes insignificant and communication in a pile of empty boxes in a without meaning.

Simone Mons,
Installation site Showcase specific to Flash,
Piazzale C. Battisti, Parma
19 May to 3 June 2010

contacts / simoemme

Monday, May 10, 2010

How To Build A Automatic Mist System


Some members of the football Ferrera await the arrival of Romlo

lick try to hit the ball head, tips and final sentence.

HOPE SHANTI MC YO: 4 Vintage largely a disaster, the proven substance abuse has become addictive and often during games we have seen. In some stages of the season would certainly disfigured the Libo instead
In moments of lucidity, however, was able to create musical masterpieces che si sono inchiodati negli IPOD di tutti i giocatori del girone B Milanese, il migliore dei quali è un sonetto con rime baciate basate sul suo cognome.

SUPERCIUK:5,5 Portiere cirrotico e scapestrato, la natura lo ha dotato poco in termini di statura, ma meno ancora in quanto a elevazione, pari a quella di un formichiere.
Non potendo giocare con le porticine, abbiamo subito goal spesso su pallonetti ad altezza gnomo.
A queste straordinarie doti ha unito spesso alcolici in quantità in industriale, quando a breve la natura farà il suo corso, il fegato verrà studiato nelle principali università europee.
Finisce sul lastrico,indebitandosi con alcuni strozzini per l'acquisto di fasce,garze and bandages which is delicious.

ANUBI: 6 It 's the typical boy with a father who never would give his daughter a dowry.
the field, remains an unforgettable trip to Gudo, his face after 30 minutes of absolute doll is the same one that has just eaten a cannoli to shit.
perennially in trouble when its shares passes "that round thing", has been useful in many games to defuse the climate and entertain the public.
His performance in the house with the Ozzero is the place to start.
remember that before you start playing football was not called DOG.

CASPER: 6 Usually, when a player comes to a new team c'è un po' di diffidenza iniziale, ma poi piano piano conoscendosi subentra spesso la stima e l'amicizia.
Lui appena arrivato è stato accolto subito bene, TROPPO bene, man mano che la stagione avanzava ci si chiedeva se il mercato fosse aperto anche a febbraio ,marzo,aprile..
Nel gioco della sedia tra le varie società che lo hanno tesserato, noi siamo quelli rimasti in piedi.
Logorroico peggio del Libo, avrebbe i mezzi per fare molto meglio, ma le speranze sono poche, alla mia età ho imparato che certe teste di cazzo non le mangiano neanche i maiali.
Per la nuova stagione ,propongo di intensificare le presenze del "pasticcino".

DANKO:6,5 La nuova season brought him a gift that a fellow department until last year had a shirt with the sleeves sewn on the back.
The presence of this concentration of Prozac made him less confident than last season but still managed to make a contribution, also in organizing the tour of prostitutes with whom he has helped us to forget the bad defeats suffered.
From next season, now affiliated to Noviglio, the touch to go around with a spare tire in a few more ....

PSYCO: 6 Imagine opening the skull of a humanoid case, pour in kerosene, a bit of mothballs and some chocolates, mix thoroughly and close, the result it's him.
E 'was able to fight every Sunday with any opponent or the referee is parasse overlooked, it ranged from modest "fuck you" to more articulate "madonna if you woe" to the more violent, "the stuffing your mother worse than a turkey. " In moments of lucidity
some good action and some good shoes.

NINO: 5 The start of the season was very promising for a while 'we even thought we could rely on him. With commitment and application, however, was largely able to demonstrate the absolute randomness of initial performance.
the scale of disasters in the provision of Anubis Gudo seemed unbeatable, but he in home with the Bold is even remotely successful, are rarely seen so much crap in so little time.
The average performance later, with few exceptions was embarrassing even for a fielded for the first time in life. After the arrival of apple also hey its performance extracalcistiche have been decreasing. A
ass with nothing around.

CHO-SON: Season 6 challenging for our quarterback, when he was not involved in killing a pig or a few warheads consular sows widows, came to help out.
His temper and his bones are back wooden particularly useful in some games suffered. The myriad of injuries that have hit forced him to play the season finale with a knuckle in place of the leg.
Thanks to him we learned to say: "Saka ass" in the dialect of Mandarin.

VITO K: 6.5 E 'season arrived in plenty of initiative and was immediately put on display its qualities, is walking headlong rush of lard.
E 'was crowned by the federation's top scorer of the ghost group, because every meeting is able to devour an average of a couple of goals.
Towards the end of the first round was involved in an unfortunate incident, was found completely naked and without 2 teeth lying on the doormat of the house, some wag had also slipped a Frenchman in the ass, but the Pandone has an alibi.
"Let me grow teeth in front of me, please baby Jesus are 2 .. but it seems many have fallen and no longer grow."

ROMLO: Season 6 in chiaroscuro, succeeds in accidents to 3 minutes of the first half of the first friendly vacation and hobbles from there throughout the season.
He crushed the ball for months for the only performance of note against Ozzero, but if we think that Anubis well in that game played well, we can understand what was the strength of the opponent at that time.
Towards the end of the second round receives an invitation from Maria de Filippi to go play in a team of Village People gym and decide that has suddenly become a phenomenon too to play with us.
I will miss the happy we did play together in the camp or fun pickpockets on the subway in Milan with whom we spent the Saturday afternoon.
But most of all I will miss' the nomad and his cheerful face and facial expression when the donavo love in the shower while trying to wash his feet.
Goodbye Roma.

BAMBA: 6 Even for him a season at the top, he discovered that the piece of chocolate between your legs is not just for fun in the locker room, but it can also be used for purposes far more noble, establishing coaching receipt parent-mandatory each week.
In Field has a resting place among the other game, but even in the same game, or at the same time.
more than one occasion to be very close to breaking the "RULE OF TEAM" so is the level of testosterone in his / her body. With Casper will attend the national competition in pastry, will the Human Ringo.

Vetraia Cocks: 6 E 'come thin, silent and sober, finishes the season talkative, fat and drunk, the effect Superga invests it in full. (Superga The effect is a physical phenomenon that affects the population aged between 18 and 25 years, is the attendance of high-calorie and iperalcolici environments, leads to a progressive increase in weight at a rapid impairments' cognitive and a relentless liver cirrhosis.).
All this is' also added the groin that has plagued him all season, for someone like him take the groin is like for a woman to have orchitis.
We wait for the next season in better condition, perhaps with a girl at his side than a bottle of wine and add under the quintal.
E 'in place a promotion at his glass factory, if you order a box you'll have a good stitches to spend the best hospitals.

BARBETTA: The season has been really positive on the human level, I have lost count of the bodies into which I was able to play around, but the ending was devastating because the man who was going to ask my hand decided to abandon me in this vale of tears, but there is hope that the refinery put an end to the whole Ferrera ...

SAKA: 4 It would take a book to describe this coso.Considera football pair of ping pong, one meter on the right, a back, a left end. Does not matter if players around him to pass the sidereal rate, the last time he chased a player Libo had the braces.
For him the game of Gudo remains memorable, because its already lowest level normally encounter went further deteriorating.
Then when the fields become muddy start the Circus Barnum Saka, his style and his way of crashing to the ground worth the ticket price. Extraordinary
Libo's comment during a game, "when I Giuga, Iun insistence to the FIVA gnanca balon. For the next season you're home by donkey.

SIR PEAK: 6 troubled season, returning from a serious injury last season we had paved the way for the playoffs.
difficult to get in shape, both because the knee problem was one of those serious, both because of its need extracalcistiche, his helicopter must be kept in constant motion and find suitable trails is not always easy.
the end of the season, we found the right track on which farlo atterrare e contemporaneamente ci dovremmo liberare definitivamente del lungagnone lattaceo.

TONY VIERI: 6 Raggiunge la sufficienza grazie alle sue prestazioni come portiere, pensavamo di aver trovato una punta da affiancare all'eunuco, invece avevamo trovato 2 sopracciglia coi guanti e la voglia di allenarsi pari a quella di Belen di restare casta.
L'ultimo allenamento che ha fatto con noi di martedì, per la gioia il Libo ci ha fatto tenere le luci accese per quasi tutto l'allenamento.

PANDONE: 6,5 Non avendo a disposizione quasi mai 2 punte di ruolo , abbiamo scelto di averne una grossa il doppio del normale. Il suo apporto alla squadra è stato importante nonostante la sua intermittente presence, his goals have gone hand in par with the biovar that churned out tons of weekends.
For next year the hope is to see the essex strangled by the crisis and failure, forced him to open a kiosk and sfornapane focaccia and finally free on Sundays.
In summer in Japan to attend the world sumo championships in category "gras me a purse."

LICK: 6 This man is simply a distillation of idiocy.
His season was characterized by 3 / 4 of performance between the ridiculous and embarrassing, many occasions where we saw the defender slaps opponent to take it. He even manages to get
insults a linesman opponent sitting on the bench. The first leg in
Muggiano gave us a strong suspicion on his honesty and his gross error of fact has closed the doors of the playoffs.
At Home with the Orion's victory has the ball head is easy, but try to strike closing their eyes and missing the Libo saw the scene he spat his false teeth with laughter.
The strongest image that will be printed this year is he's sitting on the sink that takes off from tarzanelli asshole. Mark
7 goals, 5 useless as him.

PAUL HUNTER: 6 excessive use almost always played, in evident progress in terms of football, our carboy tip is now ready to make the leap and become the new George Best, in his last year of life.

TIRAMOLLA 1: 6 pitted for much of the season, he played very little, from next season weave small Maximus, who in midfield will certainly be more useful than bungee-saka.

TIRAMOLLA 2: 0 Ugly, fat and useless.

HEY MELA: 2 appears at the end of the season, white, soft and stunned. He
the wickedness and the determination of a hobbit which follows the shape, eyes, and especially the belly.
I think I have explored every cavity, not know if we will peel again next season because what we have heard, Mister Gandalf wants in his team.

BIG JIM: 7 play three games, scoring 2 goals, could be the weapon in most of this season, but testosterone has betrayed him in the cup lombardia sentenced to one year in jail without passing through the street.
The new season should see it if the protagonist is not present in the preparation swollen like a blimp and slow as saka with hemorrhoids.

ROMAR: 0 After starting the season disappear without a trace, we initially thought that the encampment had sbaraccare but Romlo assured us that everything was still there, probably got sick of having to share a balloon with other people, I stole one and now plays in the yard alone. During the hour of air.

FRANK: 0 speech similar to Romar, gone forever. Considering his contribution when he was present, was not a bad thing, it is true that football play everyone, but there is a limit ..

Gnatt: 4 continues parade of the disappeared, after 2 tronista But here we encounter an ewok, the bad ones. A dear friend Van Pastene hernia, I would say you do not need to add more.

.. hope you did not forget anybody ..

for this season ... everything should be, but considering that tonight there will be the infamous "Dinner at the end of the season," there might be unforeseen developments from which can result in a final report.

Hello everyone!

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Saka midfield

TONY VIERI: 6.5 innocent on goal, easily unravels a couple of difficult situations, second game as a goalkeeper and the second good performance, considering that the desire to train, might be his future, the range is known to block a shot salamelle and decides that it's time to bite.

CASPER: 6 left a lot of only between 2 players, goes a bit 'in trouble, but the feeling is that he really wants to play, saka how to stop drinking.
quieter and more sullen than usual, this week unveiled a S on the back of the girlfriend.

DANKO: 6 ingrifa is like a monkey saw a poodle in heat walked a mongrel, it passes the first time trying to get out of the maze of the mind of Psycho, but without success. In the second half petrified to assist numbers of Anubis and Saka.

PSYCO: 6 Start warming all wrapped with a shoe, just before the end of the match both, perhaps it had continued up to the mouth would have avoided yet another number. He could not fight the last game? No. He could do with a quiet? No.
chose to quarrel with his brother affected tifavamo of Hercules and this time for a shattered bat unfortunately avoided.

NINO: Population 22 years 65 4 organic. Wrong at least half a dozen balls, sending her into ecstasies our panchina.Nelle seems to have chased the ball in the shoulder Pandone. Slow, inaccurate and listless. Nino word.

BAMBA: 6 is tossed in a myriad of raids, often forgetting the ball, acts on both bands with the same style, we have now discovered the reason why he decided to coach children.
Train children, but then the match will play with their mothers.

BARBETTA: ... can not forget those green green green eyes and his mouth ...

SAKA: 6 just introduced in the first half, the break from 'the best of', first with a shot inside the area and stop embarrassing and then with a series of feints and controfinte in the middle of the field horror movie once the field has burdened it turned out the real Saka, ball lost face in the mud like a whale surprised by the low tide and general laughter.

TIRAMOLLA: 6 Fa 'left wing, right wing and the tip, none of which is its role, is still months and then the situation is not ideal, but in reality the game serves to take away the cobwebs with a view to Pontecurone and then it's okay.

SIR PEAK: 6 Try some numbers for field grazing, but is still very much felt by extracalcistica performance last Sunday.
A couple of good numbers in sauce helicopter.

VITO 5.5 decides that there is no need to lend a hand in defense and therefore does not fall ever, leaving the poor little ghost in the hands of two players, with him standing in the middle of the field to watch scene peacefully. In the second half from tip almost do not see it.

ANUBI: 5.5 Log instead of Nino, a lot easier, but it's diarrhea during the day, scroll left balls for miles, a reference try to launch a long, slow and harmless, completely sending the ball crashing to the ground and , the attacking opponent bent two will not profit from laughter.
All 'eightieth takes a punishment from the edge. The ball is officially gone missing.

Vetraia Cocks and Mönch: 6.5 After a hospital stay comparable to that of Zanardi, by clicking on a glazier within the ranks, the usual feints and controfinte and air drops. Find the goal shuffling a balloon. We hope trusting in the weight watcher.

PAUL HUNTER: 6 Ruzza his part granted to the length of game, the score after the game led him to utter nonsense. A carboy of Bonarda puts it back on track.

HOPES: Between 6 freestyle and the other is the time to put some gloves and parry the ball.
For a Mc of his caliber to play with us is a luxury.

EHI APPLE: 6 Go all the way to go suck a calippo, the sight of an elder bloodied along the way it pokes as Dracula.
The two can stop and half launch. Good day for him. And for me.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Why Feeling Wet Before


Hey Mela in the shower ....

Superciuk: 6 The game is a mirror of the training, did the same Friday scene, without an anchor to watch a balloon float into his own, the difference is that the opponent has repeatedly insulted as it should. A parade of shin and just.
A pathologist in the week he has measured the reaction time compared with some autopsies, not finding differences.

CASPER: 6.5 A little 'difficulty in the beginning having to mark a crazy rabbit improves distance, as the number of opponents declined. Solita lineout throws and 120 from defense to goalie via.L without going through the 'naive comes to camp with a tender morsel, not knowing which risks should be meeting with certain elements in the team. In the second half of wet, the chance to bring her home to make us certain. Sir Peak 75 minutes into leaves, goodie yum.

DANKO: 6.5 little effort on defense, it is proposed often in attack, misses a goal from close range well primed by Sir Picco, rumors runner towards the injury before slicing Noviglio .. the tires, remember that he was firmly convinced that the game play-off was over the ninetieth. It is probably also believe that we have won the playoffs, at this age everything is possible, Libo true?

BAMBA: 6.5 The absence of Psycho relegates him to defend and his mood turns the color of the hole ass lick, the bon bon in the gallery it alleviates some discomfort. External reported in the second half takes delight in unnecessary chased the balloons that the sparacchia saka, failing to understand at last that the possibility of receiving a clean passage were void.

ANUBI: 6.5 Sometimes I wonder if his "technical" football is the same as when the trumpet. The style is that of a rabbit with Parkinson hectic irrequieto.In general, however, an improvement over much of the past stagione.La economic crisis has led to any change in his shop, now with the purchase of a fur, is served a kebab.

VITO: 7 Very first time Libo what triggered the lights on in a field, marks a great goal and it also serves a great assist, and to avoid worsening the media missed a goal from a yard, sending the ball out of play. At this point, he won the ranking of ghost markers.

BARBETTA: ... close to suicide for the loss of his Gypsy ....

SAKA: 6.5 Abstract: playing next to me, would make a good impression even Argenton.Padre.
Calamita a quantity of perhaps excessive slope for an ass like him, look for numbers unlikely to laughter from the little public sbellicare presente.Gioca years after playing a full, dispose of lactic acid at the end the world.

SIR PEAK: 7.5 2 goals and an assist, Sir peak is now in good shape, ready for the most important event of the season. Pontecurone.
As mentioned above, is replaced with a quarter of an hour remaining, but that fifteen minutes, however, spends the remaining energy in a profitable way.

LICK: 6.5 The pre-game is horror movie, because seeing a deformed ball sitting on the sink to wash your ass view take your breath away even the strongest stomachs.
Score a goal with a ball servitagli usual on a silver platter.
wrongdoing on his part 3 cross, one of which fortunately then transformed into a network.
Sparacchia to a number of good balls and not enough, played by actors of the swan's death consumed each time it is touched, the heartbreaking final scene of the agony. If
comes into possession of a video that I can 'exist, I will set fire to the reputation of coriander rimastagli.

Pandone: 6.5 arrives late to the field after the last batch of slippers for milk, scores a goal robbery Vito puts lick in terms of scoring and then disappears in a cloud of flour that delays the 'BEGINNING of the second half of 40 minutes.

PSYCO: 6.5 Let's give the vote only for the part played, send a text message in Pre that other countries would lead to forced hospitalization, after 20 minutes could cause injury to replace a shoe. The question at this point is: the mini is stolen?

TONY: SV unwillingly forced to appear, perhaps because he thought it was a workout, play 5 minutes.

PAUL HUNTER: SV A couple of good hunter whose actions for this weekend have lasted 5 days.

NINO: SV This week's birthday and we were delighted to make a feast of Our Lady, Clare.

HEY MELA: SV Few balls such marks for this round, this week all of them have now realized that perennially has the same expression, like that of Frodo in the shower with Samwise Gamgee.