Clipboard limit and new resolutions
Browse the calendar, quickly scroll the blog and try not to ignore any memory, a year has passed.
You can not say that it is flown, the commitments are many and more or less important, but for me it arrived in December rather smoothly, you have lived a good time, I hope you have enjoyed the full, and other more difficult to address which was used in a lot of good will. A year passed between universities and new projects, I have not become timely and I have not found enough time to devote to the sport as I wanted, but not everything has to be thrown away and, indeed, I also lived many positive situations that allow me to have a happy memory.
Big changes? I would say no, but many, many ideas developed and the more fortunate, even materialized!
Firstly I'm really glad I started the year fully absorbed by the preparation of the exhibition in Berlin is Germany : an experience that allowed me to meet new people and intelligent, I have been challenged by new working environments and above all has proved an important opportunity to introduce my photographs exposing ten shots in Berlin. An occasion that filled my tank with enthusiasm and gave me the charge to engage seriously in discussions and art projects in the following months. Even exposure Featured the installation of Flash P.zzale Baptists in Parma in May and June was a moment for me as important: an idea that suddenly has unexpectedly become a new starting point, a new track to go to distant artistic goals and first in a series of works that seek to address a focus on language and the use made of it in contemporary society.
the wake of these positive steps, I converted my Myspace profile at a point of reference for those who want to see my work and I joined to it some other pages, like this, where you can follow my thoughts and my thoughts and keep in touch with friends, and talking with friends I can not overlook the discussion about art, begun in summer (and accessible to a few intimates), that intervention after intervention is, in my opinion, succeeded in get rich thanks to the constant comparisons between the different views that have artistic experiences and different views on the meaning of art.
And then there were many other small facts that outline the last twelve months have made it more exciting:
in spring I whitened my room and thanks to the invaluable support I have renewed weblog IKEA in some parts, so during the hot summer days I took advantage of his regenerated welcoming hand to read, in addition to numerous college texts, some interesting and exciting books that have long rested on the shelves of the library. Orwell, my favorite.
Over the summer I also visited some cute manatees in Genoa and soon I had to buy a new computer because of the irretrievable passing of the old one: it was not planned, but catching the ball we tried to avoid being miss anything.
Later, after numerous attempts, has been printed (as I imagined!) Portfolio that contains my pictures of the last two years, I've changed my e-mail address and I finally bought by the power of the piggy bank (and a few sostanziale aiutino genitoriale), una macchina fotografica reflex digitale. Ancora prima però avevo abbandonato i variegati propositi di allestire una camera oscura qui a casa: è una decisione che mi è dispiaciuto prendere ma è stata la scelta più responsabile che potessi fare. Il materiale fotografico è ormai quasi del tutto irreperibile e prendersi cura del poco che si trova qua e là diventerebbe un ulteriore impegno che non mi sento di poter adempiere nel migliore dei modi. Sono però fiducioso, una passione rimane tale anche se non trova sfogo nell’immediatezza e chissà che in futuro io non possa rimediare. Per ora la Nikon D3000 mi soddisfa pienamente e mi concentrerò sui progetti fotografici in cantiere, dei quali spero potrò presto dare notizie su queste pagine!
Oltre all’inedita gita a Genova (indimenticabile grazie alla squisita focaccia) fatta in febbraio per vedere la mostra dedicata a Cartier-Bresson vorrei ricordare due viaggi in particolare che hanno caratterizzato il mio 2010 : nel mese di marzo ho visitato una città dove non ero mai stato, Roma, e in dicembre sono ritornato a Londra, in Inghilterra. In queste città ho visitato le mostre e visto le opere d’arte che più mi hanno emozionato ed interessato quest’anno: Caravaggio alle scuderie del Quirinale, Turning the World Upside Down di Anish Kapoor (Kensington Gardens) e Sunflower Seeds di Ai Weiwei alla Tate Modern. And the Turner Prize? See the works on display at Tate Britain was how to make a little dream, I'm not joking. Is clear, however, I do not stop here: I would like traveling, seeing places never before seen art and further study would become the cornerstone of my future, but for now my path is the beginning and the emotions they felt during my first few times are very great.
And finally a few lines dedicated academic year: academic year 2009/10 and beyond.
The purposes were many, with the commitment I made during the most intense strength and now I feel satisfied with the route taken in recent months. The program for the meeting of the extraordinary degree of March / April 2011 reads still more than those incurred in the examination, but the forecasts tend to optimism and this time I have to admit I, seven exams, suitability and linguistic exceeded 250 hours of internship ended a few days are enough for me make me feel satisfied. But now there is a final stage waiting for me, and that dream a long time: two tests to be supported, one to be completed and a thesis to write. And so at last the road map must be changed and I will conclude this three-year course of study during the summer, but to be honest, it is encouraging that already the doctor of my thesis Rapporteur reminded the mio nome (e se non chiedo troppo anche l’argomento che ho deciso di trattare) la prossima volta che ci incontreremo.
Anche quest’anno dunque l’università mi ha regalato momenti intensi ma felici, l’occasione per una mostra, la conoscenza di persone interessanti e competenti, nuovi argomenti da approcciare e studiare che mi hanno arricchito profondamente.
A questo punto del discorso avevo in programma di spendere due parole su un’ulteriore decisione che è maturata in me nel corso dell’anno: lasciare il mio Paese d’origine, l’Italia, e cercare un futuro all’estero. Si potrebbero scrivere fiumi di parole sui disagi e le spiacevoli sensazioni che si vivono di recente nel beautiful country and I could lose an afternoon, but I'm not going to do it, a page had already written but I do not think it's worth publishing it, I would have said absolutely nothing again. Pass directly to the next point of debate: the dream of leaving Italy. A country with a social system that incorporates and integrates graduate, where he held young people up to 40 years, where the train arrives late five days out of six and the cost of the ticket increases each September, where health does not guarantee health and justice within the reach of those who have the income to afford it. A country where if something is wrong is the fault of politics is a country where politics has crept in every part of society and this I believe is wrong. It is disheartening to live in a country that calls itself a democracy Western but at the same time makes me seriously doubt that the situations mentioned above may be true in some unfortunate cases doubt come true and this seems to me to receive daily news. It is exasperating to have little more than twenty years and experience the feeling that everywhere you turn there are structures (social and economic, but also architecture, why not!) From the ground up in critical situations and not too infrequently during the collapse.
This is what I think and I do not see where you can find the courage to listen to those who say: " if things go wrong stay and try to improve them." In my opinion the situation is compromised and if something is left to transfer it elsewhere where I prefer to save a little bit of fertile land has been, here is finished.
is clearly not enough to change the neighborhood to solve the problems of the present and the uncertainties of the future but one thing is certain, and not to try would be unbearable. The thought of not having tried to get away when there had been no opportunity would be unbearable, I try and I want to do it! But it is not at all good to be put in a position of having to move away from their origins back to believe in the future.
short, it is stato affatto semplice raccogliere gli avvenimenti di tutto l’anno appena trascorso in così poche righe ma sono convinto sia meglio ricordare le cose buone e non fare troppo caso alle altre, che prima o poi verranno superate e rimpiazzate da ricordi più felici. Felice, come sono io ora, di avere accanto amici cari, persone degne di stima ed altre addirittura speciali, che credono in me e mi supportano con entusiasmo e che senza le quali non potrei trovare l’ ispirazione .
Ora credo sia giunta l’ora di concludere il mio intervento, mi sembra di averci messo tanta sostanza quanto basta e spero vivamente che questo testo non risulti ai più uno sproloquio.
Dunque è tempo di lasciarci alle spalle le belle avventure lived and prepare those who will come together in the new year in which we place our hopes, a sort of list of steps for which we will go and how to grow and become better, or so I wish it were.
So 8 brand new super-resolutions !
8 Creating new business cards;
7 Make physical activity with continuity and consistency;
6 Cultivating the newfound passion for animation and not allow it to be shelved as happened in the past;
5 continue to travel every time there will be an opportunity!
4 Working hard on new projects to be proposed for new exhibits;
3 Learn English, and I intend to learn to say what I think to stop and know three phrases and little more than twenty words
2 graduate;
1 Having the right credentials to leave Italy!
Goodbye and Hello !
Friday, December 31, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Funny Stuff To Write On Bachelor Cake
Christmas is now past and I wanted to wish you the first and post something nice ... but I did. Things to do at the last moment and are always too many of packages, parcels, delicacies to be prepared to greet the family and time has flown by. But today I can tell you what I have received a gift.
From my husband a beautiful portfolio of Salvatore Ferragamo brown with orange inside, my sister a book of creative sewing series Tilda I was very pleased and that now is really unexpected. My son and daughter have thought about my "studio" is now silent, and gave me a beautiful cd, mp3, etc., for that old now and lost the shots of the beautiful scissors to cut straight to the laser which did not even know existed. My grandchildren also by their children gave me a set of molds for cookies, and have in the past had made them bibs have written me a beautiful card that reads: "after the bibs we pastries. Then again
sweets, chocolate and other goodies. And so Christmas is over and now we will have New Year's Day, a holiday that I do not like very much and I spend my quiet home as usual.
Now I embrace you and greet you.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Cheats For Leaf Green On Mac
Christmas 2010
reflection inspired by my personal experiences with the intent to investigate the links that may exist between the abstractions of language and the actual performance of daily living. Starting from the definition of the term
Christmas date from the dictionary, I asked a few questions without response following a random pattern, dictated by the order of my memories about the period preceding and just following Christmas.
native [na-ta-t] sm a day of birth anniversary of the birthday 2 Christmas, the liturgical feast applicant on 25 December to mark the birth of Christ: Holiday , Christmas greetings ; do family Christmas, the snow , spend it, celebrate ¶ Lat. christmas (m) 'Christmas on the birth', deriv. di nāsci ‘nascere’.
Che cosa rappresenta il vocabolo natale ?
La ricorrenza è pienamente rappresentata dalla definizione? e la parola può avere in sé un significato più grande della festività?
Per stimolare lo svolgimento del discorso ho subito introdotto una provocazione, che non ha trovato ostacoli nel sorgere: si può considerare Natale come un trademark ?
Un nome vuoto, come se non avesse in sé alcun significato, che distingue la festività dalle altre in calendario, riducendola così a “ una delle ”, e non traduce più i propri distinctive features in tradition, but it is translated into objects, so those, now traditional. This is the title that is given 'to a year, a title to be filled with gadgets: The repeat purchase new characters, from fancy symbolic ritual symbolism. Christmas as an event to be squeezed to produce objects, but not limited to: slogan for the event designed to encourage behavior patterns which themselves become distinctive and characteristic trappings of a concept to be translated to the mass; reason catchy, cute mascots (preferably with action phrase). The advertising campaign begins.
and then fly to wonder what the native has changed, since the period which we live is paid annually on how you define by 'it? and, finally, for what its peculiarities, most of the other, we look forward to Christmas?
as it affects the way we live as that from a purely commercial 'to it? In the form which we would live differently if we were not subject to the rules for advertising of an event of the third millennium?
If then I started thinking about the fact that the abstract concept of native that can be thought of fact could not correlate the Christmas, which finds practical expression in everyday behavior, now I am inclined to assume that the material aspect of the anniversary not only the translation is more of an idea but that in turn has almost completely replaced or that the mental representation of the festival is conceived.
Assuming that we are facing a kind of complementarity between the inner and the more tangible aspects of living the Christmas period, but there is a groundwater contamination and, relentless change, leading to a substitution of the unconscious feeling original promoter, I think, of any spiritual occasion, you may well think that it is now very much in balance, without resistance, directly from the material that marks this period of history in the holidays, anniversaries, traditions, they emptied the original meaning, now changed, and which remains the only name.
Monsignor Simon / simoemme

Christmas date from the dictionary, I asked a few questions without response following a random pattern, dictated by the order of my memories about the period preceding and just following Christmas.
native [na-ta-t] sm a day of birth anniversary of the birthday 2 Christmas, the liturgical feast applicant on 25 December to mark the birth of Christ: Holiday , Christmas greetings ; do family Christmas, the snow , spend it, celebrate ¶ Lat. christmas (m) 'Christmas on the birth', deriv. di nāsci ‘nascere’.
Che cosa rappresenta il vocabolo natale ?
La ricorrenza è pienamente rappresentata dalla definizione? e la parola può avere in sé un significato più grande della festività?
Per stimolare lo svolgimento del discorso ho subito introdotto una provocazione, che non ha trovato ostacoli nel sorgere: si può considerare Natale come un trademark ?
Un nome vuoto, come se non avesse in sé alcun significato, che distingue la festività dalle altre in calendario, riducendola così a “ una delle ”, e non traduce più i propri distinctive features in tradition, but it is translated into objects, so those, now traditional. This is the title that is given 'to a year, a title to be filled with gadgets: The repeat purchase new characters, from fancy symbolic ritual symbolism. Christmas as an event to be squeezed to produce objects, but not limited to: slogan for the event designed to encourage behavior patterns which themselves become distinctive and characteristic trappings of a concept to be translated to the mass; reason catchy, cute mascots (preferably with action phrase). The advertising campaign begins.
and then fly to wonder what the native has changed, since the period which we live is paid annually on how you define by 'it? and, finally, for what its peculiarities, most of the other, we look forward to Christmas?
as it affects the way we live as that from a purely commercial 'to it? In the form which we would live differently if we were not subject to the rules for advertising of an event of the third millennium?
If then I started thinking about the fact that the abstract concept of native that can be thought of fact could not correlate the Christmas, which finds practical expression in everyday behavior, now I am inclined to assume that the material aspect of the anniversary not only the translation is more of an idea but that in turn has almost completely replaced or that the mental representation of the festival is conceived.
Assuming that we are facing a kind of complementarity between the inner and the more tangible aspects of living the Christmas period, but there is a groundwater contamination and, relentless change, leading to a substitution of the unconscious feeling original promoter, I think, of any spiritual occasion, you may well think that it is now very much in balance, without resistance, directly from the material that marks this period of history in the holidays, anniversaries, traditions, they emptied the original meaning, now changed, and which remains the only name.
Monsignor Simon / simoemme
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Where To Buy Minerals
Ready departure via
I write this post a bit 'late compared to what I wanted, but time is running out and I have not had time to do everything in chronological order. Everything has been meticulously prepared because the eye wants its part. First prepare the labels of note ...
for scarves prepared by Ross and all the other small objects that will be exhibited in the hope of succeeding. Napkin felt, lavender bags decorated ...
wreaths of all types with hearts, flowers, colorful packets
and finally with stoffine Christmas bibs and some big face of Santa Claus.
When he finally everything is wrapped and packaged, ready on, canned and head.
I write this post a bit 'late compared to what I wanted, but time is running out and I have not had time to do everything in chronological order. Everything has been meticulously prepared because the eye wants its part. First prepare the labels of note ...

for scarves prepared by Ross and all the other small objects that will be exhibited in the hope of succeeding. Napkin felt, lavender bags decorated ...

wreaths of all types with hearts, flowers, colorful packets

When he finally everything is wrapped and packaged, ready on, canned and head.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Purple Stretch Marks On Breast
Appeals important
A message to all the girls in and around Milan. From Monday 13 to Friday, December 10 there will be a beneficial marketplace for the Center for Children of Sighet, Romania. You can find toys, scarves, jewelry, Christmas decorations, bags, panettini and much more. All proceeds from sales will go directly to this center to fund some major projects that you see on the website of the association. You will also find some of my creations and if you want you can also order them through this blog. All work that you'll also be purchased during the year and of course the proceeds will always go to the association. Remember that Christmas should not be sempre e solo il 25 dicembre.
Grazie di cuore a chi vorrà aderire a questa inizaitiva.
A message to all the girls in and around Milan. From Monday 13 to Friday, December 10 there will be a beneficial marketplace for the Center for Children of Sighet, Romania. You can find toys, scarves, jewelry, Christmas decorations, bags, panettini and much more. All proceeds from sales will go directly to this center to fund some major projects that you see on the website of the association. You will also find some of my creations and if you want you can also order them through this blog. All work that you'll also be purchased during the year and of course the proceeds will always go to the association. Remember that Christmas should not be sempre e solo il 25 dicembre.
Grazie di cuore a chi vorrà aderire a questa inizaitiva.

Sunday, December 5, 2010
Shaun White Tech Deck
an unexpected update
Ricevere un regalo è anche quando una persona fa qualcosa per te che ritieni importante. Ecco questa settimana ho avuto un grande regalo: Melina ha fatto per il mercatino di Sos Bambini delle magnifiche scatole in decoupage. Una più bella dell'altra e ognuna diversa, qualcosa che io ritengo speciale non tanto per il lavoro in sè, peraltro eccellente, ma per il gesto. Un segno che ritengo d'amicizia e che mi fa capire che le belle persone, quelle belle dentro, ci sono e spesso ti stanno vicino e tu non lo sai. Poi all'improvviso lo scopri e la gioia è doppia. Thanks Melina for the double gift: these wonderful boxes and a sign of affection and friendship that you showed me.
There are a wonder!
Ricevere un regalo è anche quando una persona fa qualcosa per te che ritieni importante. Ecco questa settimana ho avuto un grande regalo: Melina ha fatto per il mercatino di Sos Bambini delle magnifiche scatole in decoupage. Una più bella dell'altra e ognuna diversa, qualcosa che io ritengo speciale non tanto per il lavoro in sè, peraltro eccellente, ma per il gesto. Un segno che ritengo d'amicizia e che mi fa capire che le belle persone, quelle belle dentro, ci sono e spesso ti stanno vicino e tu non lo sai. Poi all'improvviso lo scopri e la gioia è doppia. Thanks Melina for the double gift: these wonderful boxes and a sign of affection and friendship that you showed me.

There are a wonder!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Do You Think Dawn From Pokemon Is Hot
fast, fast
Quick update on preparations for the market. So much has been made but many have yet to be made. Unfortunately I have not had time to photograph everything but I propose in the next few days holiday to recover and put everything on the blog for a full view of the work. There were many people who participated in the work, for now I thank all of the heart then I'll do it individually.
A little bit but I want it to showing her stockings made of the Epiphany this year,
purely and bibs Christmas
for these I have to say thanks to Marina who has given much to do. Thanks sister.
Quick update on preparations for the market. So much has been made but many have yet to be made. Unfortunately I have not had time to photograph everything but I propose in the next few days holiday to recover and put everything on the blog for a full view of the work. There were many people who participated in the work, for now I thank all of the heart then I'll do it individually.
A little bit but I want it to showing her stockings made of the Epiphany this year,

purely and bibs Christmas

for these I have to say thanks to Marina who has given much to do. Thanks sister.
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