Sunday, March 28, 2010

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Vetraio Dickhead shoulder in training.

HOPES: 6.5 remains welded to the door to the happiness of the defenders, we sent in care in San Patrignano, we have returned more toxic than before, a parade in the second half brings all the anxiety team after 10 minutes of resuscitation, fortunately, the Libo has taken on the bench.

CASPER: 6.5 good first half, then in the usual way as a candle goes out slowly, we are really stupid to think to beat this thing to a major penalty to 93 '.
Finally after a few days we realized, it beats a kick trying to behead anyone who tries to touch the ball and says, "I thought of hitting someone who deviated," this idiot always plan to play pool and football. Testolina Cock albino.

BAMBA: 6 all the evidence to win the B. Romano, probably ended up in a bad round of betting, moreover, maintain 15 presentations at the same time is difficult. Apart from two occasions served on a silver platter, when he realizes che è inutile remare contro cambia registro e diventa insuperabile.

SON-CHO: 7 Una colonna di basalto in movimento, non perde mai un contrasto , spazza palloni ovunque , costruisce un fortino davanti al portiere che a fine partita resterà inespugnato. Non vorrei mai essere un suo maiale.

ANUBI: 6,5 Dimentica a casa le mutande di ghisa e nei primi 15 minuti sembra di assistere al "duello" Messi-Contini, poi piano piano passata la diarrea il suo rendimento migliora.
Nel secondo tempo non corre particolare pericoli, anche se gli andrebbe spiegato che quella cosa rotonda a esagoni non è una mina antiuomo.

ROMLO:7 Receive this week for permission to stay and this is particularly inspired, the opponents try to stop it in any way without success, not knowing what to stop it is enough to rattle the coins in your pocket or scream the word "cops, cops! ".
Tap the goal in a couple of occasions, but we know that is not his job to score.

BARBETTA: Excited by the arrival of a young team in the world map.

Vetraia Cocks: 6.5 Reduce more than others to benefit from a pie in the face, redeems itself well to the grim el 'efforts, certainly it is worse than a turkey is quartered with the tail looks like a weekly mini-sumo wrestler who also was shot in the face.

VITHINO K: 6.5 usual runs like crazy, get it wrong as usual portasemivuota to a goal, then in the second half was involved in a polite exchange of views (and bodily fluids) with the No. 10 opponent about the ills that afflict the world, unfortunately the discussion was abruptly interrupted by his opponent's coach when he arrived at facials.

Pandone: 6.5 Jobs for this baker dark lent to football, he can never conclude dangerously on goal, but leads a walk around the field 5-6 players that are hung behind him without paying the ticket.

TONY VIERI: 7 and nearly scored a goal important goal in the other two occasions, sparse on the ground all that meets the eyebrows whirling like a scimitar.

LICK: 8 In general hubbub in the second half time the linesman opponent says something to our bench, our bench asked: "But who you got?" the answer is: "With that idiot dressed in red!" , Our bench in sync shuts, aware that this is actually an idiot dressed in red!. The N ° 1 of Cazzaro.

Monday, March 22, 2010

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4 - 4 - 2 of SUPERGA

INTRODUCTION SERIES: the "drama" on Sunday saw us all equally involved, The votes follow the style of all time, there are guilty and innocent, but only a band of idiot (including me) who ran away again a good opportunity.

Superciuk: 4 Often in these games the goalkeeper has a few faults and even manages to limit the damage, but not in this. The results of alcohol tests at night was sufficient to predict performance, its response time between a shot and the attempt di parata e maggiore dell'intervallo tra 2 scopate del Libo.

CASPER: 3 Questa volte l'aspetto è decisamente migliore della sua partita, durante un ripiegamento difensivo si è addormentato nei pressi della bandierina, gli avversari lo saltano anche stando fermi, nell'intervallo si stende su una panchina e dorme per il resto della giornata.

DANKO: 5 Meno peggio di molti, ma 5 goal son 5 goal, la sequenza di bestemmie ,cristi e madonne nell'intervallo sono l'unica cosa che ho salvato in memoria prima di formattare tutta la domenica, un mix di stile ,tecnica e qualità. Stupendo.

PSYCO: 0 Prima sclerava con gli avversari e gli arbitri e giocava in maniera ottima, ora sclera e basta. Un rigore come il suo è incredibile, persino lui non può essere così scoordinato. Riceve un altro cartellino e altra squalifica. Il suo unico neurone è morto.

BAMBA: 4,5 Arriva tardi perché non gli suona la sveglia, sveglia che suona al ventesimo del secondo tempo, colazione e via per gli ultimi 10 minuti. Dal sogno all'incubo in un istante, la vita è uno schifo caro muffin.

VETRAIO CAZZONE: 4 Dice di essere andato dormire alle 23 perché sapeva di giocare al mattino, gli amici dicono che già alle 19 era talmente ubriaco che non sapeva dire se fosse un uomo o una donna. In campo si spreca in finte dribbling e doppi passi incisivi quanto il membro di un ex allenatore del Superga.

ROMLO: 5 L'impegno c'è , a macchia di leopardo, vaga per il campo come nella vita normale , senza diventare mai veramente stanziale come a volte servirebbe. Nel secondo tempo manda per mezz'ora in campo i vestiti e le scarpe senza dentro nulla.

BARBETTA: se fosse andato all'Angelus con Leccarlo non cambiava nulla..

SIR PICCO: 4 Di lui si ricorda un tiro fuori di 30 metri, poi purtroppo solo palle perse a ripetizione. Questo non è il solito Augusta che conosciamo,ma un modellino in scala.Rotto.

PANDONE: 5 Prestazione povera, riceve meno supplies a Esselunga in Darfur, does not roll in the door and never gigioneggia rolling on the field looking for something to do. In the second half
now totally bored, calls the change to go for the replacement of an inflatable broken the Parco Sempione.

VITO: 5 virtual top scorer of the round, even in a wretched day can fail at least two scoring opportunities. The effect vanished completely new teeth, he lost the desire to run like a madman, at normal speed, unfortunately my feet are seen.

sick dog: 5 puts all its technical quality for the team .... almost comes in the optimal situation for someone like him, worse than its predecessor could not be done, but for a while 'is a beautiful head and head, but then the usual two slopes shows that if nothing else than its predecessor's heartbeat.

NINO: 4 Log visibly limping and dragging one leg is the only one who manages to cheer for a cross on the wrong 4 to 0. Prior to that we remember him 5 Steps to the external network and the same to the public over the network. Thanks to him the saying, there is never any limit to the law of the state has become worse.

SAKA: 4 His "commentary" in the first half while it is in its natural habitat, in its entirety qualifies him as an ass. Log in with the face of those who think have been wronged then nothing, what happened to you a mystery: expelled? a hole in the ground has swallowed? abducted by aliens? boh, fortunately to participate sfattiadi decided to leave football for ever.

TONY: 5 Log in now when the patient died and an autopsy in progress, try doing a little 'dust, but without much conviction, as the companion of a non-roll ever on goal in the end realizes that is not the case too rockin 'and put in a corner to pray.

PAUL HUNTER: 6 The last time she came on as the circus was water in the yard with a special guest orca that is' the bread all'Esselunga. Many minutes so they had not accumulated in three years. If he had a gun in his hands would be carnival.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

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LICK WHILE LAW The Scoreboard

BASTARD fortification 6 now more accustomed to snowboard in football (his fantastic wax berry) is is' \u200b\u200bunprepared on the second goal, perhaps distracted by a blonde in the stands. Safe for the rest of the game, now advancing cirrhosis.

CASPER Sgabellone: \u200b\u200b7 This week ridicules Lecco in the race to bring a dose of pizzas a regiment. In
field obviates the wing opponents leg that we had scored 2 goals.
apparently used corporal punishment.

DANKO: 7 Perhaps confused by the absence of the usual crazy mate department, played an almost perfect game, at the end of the game even manages to score the decisive goal at this point the play-off hopes have faded.

SON-CHO: 6.5 protagonist of a long series of duels won virtually all, this little man who punched killer pigs can finally concentrate on its long-awaited holidays, go in the one pig farm Egypt to teach make a pig of a pedicure.

NINO: 6.5 If I were him, I wonder about the meaning of the phrase: "I go out with friends .." Chiara's sweet, because the accuracy of his shots to the head and similar to that of a ram.
Aspro duel with Manu Chao on the band, downloaded from iTunes.

Vetraia Cocks: 7 If the Panda had not scored the first goal we would take turns pissing in the face of the range, otherwise a great shot many good initiatives and 12 slopes received in the same action by an opponent confused by the color of your shoes. Group sex with the groin at the end of the race.

BARBETTA: Romlo Wheat and Brother, in my shower and all for me ....

ROMLO: 7 arrives at the camp for a nervous breakdown and the trailer because someone wrote on a white jacket Gypsies, using a penis as a pen full of poo, juggles well on the pitch by putting on the big head Danko decisive ball.
Curiosity, the crap apparently is Nino, but the handwriting is mine.

SIR PEAK: 6.5 not receive a lot of balls behind it Nino and also because you do not need to add more. Still managed to become dangerous and to put on the ball of the foot of the Panda KO at the end games uncork the wine with the helicopter.

TONY VIERI: 6 Receive an elbow in the lead after five minutes and from that time believed to be a Smurf and Gargamel opponents. Panda triangle with some good spells and some spoken during the meeting, was released because his eyebrows came together.

PANDA: 7 We shut down by Nas his "restaurant" bookmark, and had to come to camp to play and score, a task made easier by the fact that it marked a big as one of its regular sandwiches.

LICK: SV Back in his normal form, following a brief human, still managed a few minutes to give us a fake worthy of the best Pele, at year end will put its online photo book that will make history.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

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The Bamba and threatens an opponent

HOPES: 6.5 on innocent third goal, almost unable to parry the second kick, but would did look good in Psycho. Draw a big parade that takes virtually the team afloat in the locker room instead pulls out a bizarre little bag that brings happiness to the group after a few shots ...

CASPER: 6.5 The idiot after all played a good game, his side fail to pass, this week has rightly been punished because of his logorrhea with 15 minutes on his knees chickpea. Sgarro the next level of punishment will change to: round trip by car with Libo.

DANKO: 6.5 Back to play on his level, it enters a mid-field in full ankles deserves to be shown in the various soccer schools for the grace demonstrated. It had also made a couple leading the demented side of him, perhaps he would be commenting on another lot.

PSYCO: 2 This crab unbalanced when patch the game, you do 'in style. Attorney opponents three penalties, received 12 yellow cards and was ejected after insulting the referee with phrases like: "Your mother is a sepia" "Suck my shell" "Lady if you are wheat."

BAMBA: 6.5 play a good game with several forays, we saw him last year after frothing rage during an altercation with a goat dressed as a player, we clearly heard him say: "You cut off his head from the neck and there in Chicago. " After these words the coach he replaced his opponent mammal.

ROMLO: 6.5 Conditions the field are better than the last few games, our Plushenko, but has not the best after transplantation of ankles.
The wickedness of his practice match on Friday, has seen it all.
metabolizes to perfection the teachings of good lick, producing a somersault with pike in the area, which results in a penalty and to qualify for London 2012.

BARBETTA: to adjust, the ejection port blasphemy? Uhm I think 'I expected the death penalty.

Vetraia Cocks: 6.5 97 minutes after years of inactivity and unbridled sex with his groin are almost firm, his is a very good game for at least an hour, then drops dramatically at a distance, in the last 15 minutes are so tired that Saka seems to fit.

SIR PEAK: 6.5 We eat a goal to Vito, although uncertain in balance, the remainder of his first half was excellent, the game ends his full-back asked for an autograph.
Trivia: his girlfriend, before I knew it was not called Gaia.

VITHINO K: 6 Sufficiency estimation runs like pike in a bout of diarrhea and this comes in the door with the bubble nose, his mistakes are now a door under his own brand factory, our subsequent curses as well.

LUCCA: 6 comes the slight delay in the field and for the first 15 minutes will not participate in the game because they pledged to end the 12 Big Mac which has slipped in pantaloncioni. After the digestion improves its contribution. Could it be that every Sunday there is an anniversary for Mac Donald?

sick dog: SV The applause of the audience laughter are now within 30 seconds.
Tap 3 balls but it seems it has to do with a land mine, simply touching.
85 th minute, he comes out Romlo. Tuesday I leave the bag down.

LICK: 6 This week has been wrought as a Persian carpet and discovered the joy of real pain, so to speak when a knock after the cocks that you want to do pirouettes.
He was scoring a goal that would bring him fame and glory for years, but then he woke up because my grandfather was time to go to ask for protection money by Dante.

TONY VIERI: SV is heated for 30 minutes, then sits down to 75, comes in and tries to give a hand to lift the result, good for their commitment and for his failure to controversy. Tuesday's position in the train locomotive in the shower rightful.

Monday, March 1, 2010

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Relax in the locker room after the defeat.

HOPES: 3 Pre warming is very promising, the tranquility of Libo is proof.
The error that virtually closes the game is the least serious, the problem is that they had to tell him after the game.

sick dog: 6 When he finds out he must play as a crisis of fear when we asked the Pandone to conjugate a verb. All in all, no demerits, except for his usual cagatine. He also scored regularly, but at that point the season was over.

DANKO: 5 The 6 Nations him to return tired and worn, even if victorious. In football, but we find it less secure than usual on several occasions and unfortunately the creator of a big mistake.

SON-CHO: SV We use it as a human shield for his innate ability to attract dozens Varga normally assigned to other people. A dig in between the legs as it reduces weed, throwing into turmoil a dozen sows.

BAMBA: 7 Fa 'full-back for about 3 minutes, then saw it was useless to remain firm in defense, starts to attack like a madman, producing a series of repeated descents also acquiring eight penalties, only one of which assigned the ground by the Regulation, Art 12: "Not everyone can give it."

ROM-LO: 6.5 comes to shooting him several times that the rest of the team. We have to wait until the fields dry out and improve because this bastard nomadic Plushenko seems every time the mud and trouble to use the right shoes. The triple axel at the end gets a standing ovation.

BARBETTA: ... discovers that the lobotomy is a prerequisite for the class referee.

SAKA: 5.5 Although our field is the size of a living room, mud on the ground is' to predict the outcome of his performance. Within 15 minutes after a "trip" in the area blends in with the field and completely disappears. A soft-bodied with dark red shirt.

LICK: 5 Facebook We could close in 10 minutes by publishing his pictures in the locker room, pre-race. Next month, his second consecutive decent games were less likely to feel the fire a Libo bestemmione crystal clear.

VIERI TONY: When you're 6 ward as a companion to the White Rabbit, plan to be finished in another dimension. It takes la responsabilità di calciare il rigore e questo è un merito.
Se cercasse qualche volta anche i compagni non sarebbe male.

SDENCIO K.: 4 Tantissima corsa e lotta, ma quando si sbagliano goal come i suoi c'è il sospetto di un giro di scommesse o di promesse di protesi dentarie .
A fine partita si è fatta largo l'ipotesi che i denti li abbia persi per ben altri motivi...

CASPER: 4 Entra svogliato, si impegna pochissimo, commette errori grossolani e borbotta frasi senza senso,con una faccia come la sua non si può permettere neanche minimamente un simile atteggiamento, inculati mozzarella, ci does' regret even sick dog.

SIR PEAK: 6 Forced to play in an 'uncertain position, never fails to get into the action through no fault of his. He also emits a low hum, evidently on the bench there was a virus.

PSYCO: 6 , 5 More ball more and less bubble of all, played half injured making a series of important saves. When she sees into his dear friend "opponent" takes the pole head to calm her.