Relax in the locker room after the defeat.
HOPES: 3 Pre warming is very promising, the tranquility of Libo is proof.
The error that virtually closes the game is the least serious, the problem is that they had to tell him after the game.
sick dog: 6 When he finds out he must play as a crisis of fear when we asked the Pandone to conjugate a verb. All in all, no demerits, except for his usual cagatine. He also scored regularly, but at that point the season was over.
DANKO: 5 The 6 Nations him to return tired and worn, even if victorious. In football, but we find it less secure than usual on several occasions and unfortunately the creator of a big mistake.
SON-CHO: SV We use it as a human shield for his innate ability to attract dozens Varga normally assigned to other people. A dig in between the legs as it reduces weed, throwing into turmoil a dozen sows.
BAMBA: 7 Fa 'full-back for about 3 minutes, then saw it was useless to remain firm in defense, starts to attack like a madman, producing a series of repeated descents also acquiring eight penalties, only one of which assigned the ground by the Regulation, Art 12: "Not everyone can give it."
ROM-LO: 6.5 comes to shooting him several times that the rest of the team. We have to wait until the fields dry out and improve because this bastard nomadic Plushenko seems every time the mud and trouble to use the right shoes. The triple axel at the end gets a standing ovation.
BARBETTA: ... discovers that the lobotomy is a prerequisite for the class referee.
SAKA: 5.5 Although our field is the size of a living room, mud on the ground is' to predict the outcome of his performance. Within 15 minutes after a "trip" in the area blends in with the field and completely disappears. A soft-bodied with dark red shirt.
LICK: 5 Facebook We could close in 10 minutes by publishing his pictures in the locker room, pre-race. Next month, his second consecutive decent games were less likely to feel the fire a Libo bestemmione crystal clear.
VIERI TONY: When you're 6 ward as a companion to the White Rabbit, plan to be finished in another dimension. It takes la responsabilità di calciare il rigore e questo è un merito.
Se cercasse qualche volta anche i compagni non sarebbe male.
SDENCIO K.: 4 Tantissima corsa e lotta, ma quando si sbagliano goal come i suoi c'è il sospetto di un giro di scommesse o di promesse di protesi dentarie .
A fine partita si è fatta largo l'ipotesi che i denti li abbia persi per ben altri motivi...
CASPER: 4 Entra svogliato, si impegna pochissimo, commette errori grossolani e borbotta frasi senza senso,con una faccia come la sua non si può permettere neanche minimamente un simile atteggiamento, inculati mozzarella, ci does' regret even sick dog.
SIR PEAK: 6 Forced to play in an 'uncertain position, never fails to get into the action through no fault of his. He also emits a low hum, evidently on the bench there was a virus.
PSYCO: 6 , 5 More ball more and less bubble of all, played half injured making a series of important saves. When she sees into his dear friend "opponent" takes the pole head to calm her.
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