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BUFFON TONY (EX VIERI): 7.5 A goalkeeper born. Team at the service of his innate qualities that led him to keep the door in any situation without blemish.
4 parades decisive, a set of outputs clean and a penalty save, which fortunately arrived in time gloves Libo, from Lourdes.
Sgabellone CASPER: 4 E 'as the cuckold who is not aware of being (and not just a metaphor). It remains a mystery to me through which roads we've got to play football. Can not carry a step in a field as large as Linate, in any position to be shot he takes at random. And 'only useful with your hands, but unfortunately we can not put it in the field only for remittances. Ball and chain is a hope for the always on the opposing team.
DANKO: 6.5 has to mark 2 points that together weigh as much as a Golf, but comes out the winner, in the first half to the ground to shave 2 times the half-toe whistling merrily attacking Baptists. In the second half invented the defense VOICE, leading to wrong opponent with an exterior style muezzin cry.
BAMBA: 6.5 Having just been a bad Sunday, followed by some gambling debts to loan sharks contracts, threatened with death by dozens of men scattered around the Lomellina and surrounding areas, this little man with chocolate juggles well in a role not his own, brought in midfield even managed to send in a door that Vito, marks the next penalty with a coolness of a poker player. (Or used to hide in a hurry to return to the landlord).
ANUBI: 6 The size of the field earned him un'agorafobia devastating. His party is a land of conquest for anyone who has the temerity to venture. At the end of every action you see with the face of a lamb that has learned the holidays human. The parade tony rigor and the next goal of its exterior catches him by surprise when the train is about to do with a language of Menelik in his mouth.
VITO: 6.5 Fresh from festival Lama in that of Vigevano, shows the style of all time, the bitter battle with the attacking wing, all speed and feet marmo.Inventa creative techniques to wrong goal, which was launched in the door, stop right paleggio dribble the ball on the left and of course lost ball.
Vetraia Cocks: 6.5 struggled a bit 'at the beginning to find position, then takes measurements and creates the usual whirl of heels fake tips, Rabone veronica-style percussion Venezia.Maestro in absolute in the sense that when you hand ball and chain 'always worse than beating a drum, but not falls even to shoot him, so every individual taking wood that is unleashed.
BARBETTA: Excited for the upcoming Way of the Cross with the Rev. Marilyn Manson and his neo-friend "Hey Apple."
ROMLO: 7 Score a goal easy getting a ball only to be pushed, in the titanic enterprise fails to score his illustrious Somaria Sgabellone Casper, completed its task as a vague Romlo looking for field plots of land where to settle with his caravan.
LICK: 6.5 Score a goal after which nearly all were abandoning the field shaking his head furiously to hold back by the referee, after which we remember him only gasps spitting, coughing and various crap, leprosy, fever combined with the physical and undermine the spirit, the fear will be his first memorial
Pandone: 6.5 frustrated by the price of flour comes into play aggressive and bad jostle everything that comes within range, marking the opponent's goal burying the stopper in the hole that now lies within the penalty area.
SON-CHO: 6.5 maimed onto the pitch after the amputation of a toe run from a sow's, went to the center of the defense "Elmet and fusil spas and who not." E 'useful as an erection on the set of a porn film.
PAUL HUNTER: SV comes to camp with the big hair as Beyonce, comes into play with fishnet stockings, a corset and a thong to scream, I do not remember if he managed to touch balls.
EHI APPLE: 6 Enter the arena and try to make a contribution, he can also a step (which in Sgabellone failed in 95 minutes) is bello liscio tondo e chiaro, una renetta.
SAKA: 6 Entra e si produce subito in una percussione che ci fa' temere per le sue coronarie e anche per il suo fegato. Era da tempo che non lo si vedeva in campo e nessuno di noi ne sentiva la mancanza, a parte per una sua perla: "Se segnava anche Gabry oggi era la ciliegina sulla torta".
Ultim'ora: Grazie ad una misteriosa acqua miracolosa Mc Dj Shant hope into god è' riuscito a riprendersi dal brutto infortunio e partecipare alla kermessa canora presso La Locanda di Pogliano Milanese, titolo della canzone:
"Libo caro,vecchio and crazy, I'm around to have broken the fuck ."... peace.

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