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PAOLONI: 6 We went from a teletubbies with the voice of a castrato in a ogre with the voice from bison, not called in question stands for the Rossini crescendo with which communicates with the attacking midfielder, soft start with a "the Dai apologized" ... and high note with: "Did you need to shut up BROKEN THE FUCK! "
sick dog: 6 The advent of a prey vetraia get-out seemed to have it framed, I had heard rumors of the kind .. "the gioca"..."..è migliorato" ed altre amenità.
Mi sono bastati 15 minuti per vedere il solito vecchio "cristo eccola di nuovo tra i miei piedi".
Dopo l'ennesimo proiettile sparato contro l'avversario a 1 mt è partito l'urlo dalla panchina: "Cazzo gabry uno ne avevi davanti". Tieni in piedi uno strano triangolo sentimentale e per questo merita un plauso.
DANKO: 6 Da tempo ormai è il più vecchio in campo, alcuni suoi avversari potrebbero essere suoi figli, non di questa partita dove l'altezza media risulta essere sotto il metro. Colpisce di testa ormai senza staccare e calcia qualche punizione, nelle pause controlla catetere e flebo perché se rientra in without hospice, do not give him the fruit mousse dessert.
BY-THE ': 6 - almost the same age of the principal of the partnership of the department, in his case "could be her children" becomes .. "are certainly her children." Fa 'surprise at the first goal, but has a good motivation, the coach showed the ball away the photo of Nino as he graduated, he did not have time to recover.
NINO: 107 kick ass Port forward with constancy to the classical scheme, the central ball to him, throwing left-wing, out. So 100 times per game. Recently
is neo-mini-engineer, not because it is only mini a three-year but the size of his penis (Clare dear, we know on which carousel turn affects you, but know that the Big Ben Longo is waiting for you, free admission).
look like you dressed in graduation, the first image that comes to mind is a grandfather down on the floor in a pool of sangue.Nudo.
ROMLO: 6 remains the most erotic and dangerous player in the league. His game is a series of somersaults and feints controfinte, which has the unquestionable merit, or to transfer a bit 'of time and repay the € 4 spent.
0 Shots on goal, 0 assists. At the end of the game shows off its distinctive nomadic art, taking tested repeatedly over his shoulder to an opponent, already has her incarognito to increase the fee RAI. To those who pointed out that over one shoulder will cause no harm her answers were 2. The first: Over the top does not get there. The second: It 'a technique that I taught my great-grandfather manusvelta, he does not know' but dying. In 50 years.
Vetraia Cocks: 6 out of position and Perennially fuorifase, because the opposite of him struggling to find their way through puppy love triangle: fur - glass - the sun. He did not win a game even against a firm, takes anywhere from starry heights, gives us a shot of determination, the ninetieth, when finalists will perform in a contrast worthy of the name, but then through the next two days to apologize to the first item, then the phone, via email and then finally by De Filippi, the preferred fat and only with the groin.
SASHA: SV . All my appreciation for this nutria with football boots, he thought to go on Sunday to swim in a sewer, he found himself at Camp Gudo to go after younger men, more 'beautiful, more' fast humans. At the beginning of the second half looking for a throw and missing the ball by starting a fast break, the scene was comical to see him chase the opponent with his legs still and his head was up and down like a madman in an embrace. If you have to do this play and why il Libo ha la pubalgia.
GRANO: 5 Lontano parente del tronista ammirato sulle mattonelle della doccia mentre si sciaquava il muretto ,ma che in campo regalava sprazzi di buon calcio. Dopo il duro lavoro in palestra e in farmacia ora è diventato una versione del Big Jim bestemmiante che la Mattel sta valutando se lanciare sul mercato insieme a Barby prostituta. La sintesi della sua partita è una punizione calciata a fine partita brutta quanto il culo di leccarlo. Il resto è il nulla più assoluto, su quella fascia si potevano mettere anche le bancarelle e fare un mercatino.
ABRUZZI : 6,5 Ha il merito di segnare 2 goal e nel calcio questo conta, per il resto gli anni passati ad Alcatraz lo hanno reso diffidente verso il prossimo, quando riceve palla diventa sua ( come il vecchio Romlo di 5 anni fa') e i compagni se ne devono procurare un 'altra. Raramente difende un pallone e fa salire la squadra, gioca con una lametta da barba nei calzettoni perchè dice: "può sempre tornare utile". Dopo l'uscita del Pandone si ritrova solo ,in balia degli avversari e un paio di volte , la lametta è tornata utile.
PANDONE : 7 Da quando ha ritrovato l'amore (ma lo ha mai perso?) è più tonico ed efficace, si produce in scatti , difende palla, serve assist al bacio, costringe il mister avversario a cambiargli la marcatura più volte, ma quando il Panda è nella stagione degli loves nothing and nothing can stop him, apart from a mock-contracture to anticipate the Mojito night, but there may be. If a girl can only do so much for a player, why stop at one? The team will benefit them ..
SIR PEAK: 8 watch them play for over an hour that disgusting thing in the middle of the field was already a source of pride, but stand for 80 minutes on the bench as an element Lecce, Ambrogino gold. Play for a quarter of an hour without being able to affect obviously felt in body and spirit, and a little bit also in the helicopter.
FA-NI-JO: SV . One thing I always loved football, since I was a child, any field had the opportunity to practice, any team that has got to play, then at the bottom I believe is the true poetry of this sport is that really all play soccer.
LICK: Having him as a friend is like having a perpetual boil festering on his testicles. In the interval the coach kept him on the bench even in mischietta friends.
nicest I've seen larvae.
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