Sunday, February 27, 2011

Do New Boats Come With A Titleontario

GRAY DAY ... I'm not done anything in

...E NON SOLO NEL TEMPO. Ieri ho lavorato in studio sino a tardi, quindi alla sera ero compresibilmente distrutta e sono piombata sul divano (per me cosa rara) alle 9 o giù di lì. Stamattina mi sono alzata con le migliori intenzioni, cucire e finire le various things that have remained dormant in recent times. After much persuasion from my husband "you can not always work and sew, sew and knit, you also have to distract you," I relented and we went to Mercatone that takes place every last Sunday of the month on the canals.

And then there is a stall where they sell beautiful vintage buttons , and then via the Vespa Ripa to Ticino. After a while, 'that cuoriosavamo begins to rain and not a little, then in addition to not having seen little or nothing, there saimo "washed" back home. Well! Better luck in the afternoon, but no. I started to sew and do you remember those days that does not turn, just do not does it turn? To you ever? Here's today it was just a day like this, you can not do things the more you get nervous, the more you get nervous and you can not do things.
Meanwhile, it continues to rain here and the day is almost over. Maybe better.
I just hope that tomorrow will be better because the week before I was ultra-busy and appointments ... who knows when I can return to create something nice. A hug

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Freezing Genital Warts How Long Does It Take

Sorry for my absence but the work is absorbing every moment of the day including Saturdays and Sundays. But today I was pretty surprised to be chosen by Mariangela for the allocation of this award
Thank you very much and I shall now explain the rules: 1
. blog post with the link of who sent it to you
2. send it to 5 other blogs you like
The purpose of this award is to raise awareness of lesser-known blogs and give it visibility to the wonderful works that are in the net, so the blog is more young and better, but of course then everyone can "donate" to those who want.

do not know if the blog to which I will turn this award are very young but I find similarities in their work so I thought: blog not just young but very cute and lively in
Mara of incartesimo that does not deal with sewing like me, but very nice and does things with a lot of imagination to
Lizzy of the spire because it is literally insane screanzata with his creations, and why the cult of recycling that I find important and socially very important to
Giuliana heart because of her blog and the things he does are just as simple and clean like me and
last name even though I know this not to comply with the specific purpose of this assignment to Federica of Country Kitty, but his visit to case his blog I felt the desire to enter into this magical, wonderful world, then I make a small exception to the rule

Finally thank you again for reporting that Mario is my combination for rescuing a thought for you. A hug
