Sunday, April 11, 2010

Measles Symptoms In A 8 Month Old Baby]

OSG - SUPERGA 1-1 To Kill a Mockingbird

Pandone LICK
Find the 7 small differences

Superciuk: 6.5 Since I do not know 'sample basis and that the only rhyme that comes is the Heart - Love, with the ski lifts closed there worthy of his presence alcoholic, incerottato Tutankhamun as does his homework, bravo on a tricky free-kick for his joints.

CASPER Sgabellone: \u200b\u200b5 Its already reduced mental capacity, are reduced to virtually zero in the morning matches, after sparacchiato balls at random throughout abbiategrasso sits on the bench and break the balls with all his customary sympathy , say by the now famous phrase at Libo: "If an ca 'To come to a mo' to whom the pious psa in you 'bal."

DANKO: 6.5 With Casper right in front of Saka, Alcoolmen and Psycho left behind all thought to be the first time in a kind of reality, when he realizes that this is the harsh reality is put a good pace and apart from a couple of indecision performs its task properly, caregiver psycho.

PSYCO: 6 week of fun, went to study the chemical composition of all forms of calculation that the human species knows, exchange opinions and views with a contemporary expert, Libo, but its production continues calculations undeterred, his game is what you imagine might make a crab with colic.

NINO: 5 It 's the companion Sgabellone cheatsheet, white, smooth, soft and bolso, playing in the morning for him to be even worse than his experience deflorazione.Credo or not to deprive ourselves democratically mozzarella in a lot of twins in the morning.

ROMLO: 6.5 steals a captain's armband and proud around the door to the camp, begging on the band with which balls once he is produced in poor outcome acrobatic numbers. Fa 'annoy the referee giving him a flea in the ear of his wife on the actual commitment to the morning mass, with subsequent expulsion of our nervous Mister.

SAKA: 4.5 to Favorite Superga Godio in midfield, after begging for a whole week starting spot, to be 'largely because all its detractors, that is tutti.Una cow with shoes, is' a piece of lawn stretches playing does not take anything, replaced by despair, he has a social function, who sees it thinks, if he plays He can do anyone.

Vetraia Cocks: 6 Following in the footsteps of his fellow ward and saw what was quartered not find it difficult to do in the second half, relieved of some weight and without a rock in the side can create a bit 'of football and make himself useful, by a head of its launch could be born a new life, we thought the panda to have an abortion.

VITO: 5 Back from a dinner that month fa'gli era costata 2 denti, dimostra che sbagliando non si impara un cazzo, presentandosi al campo in condizioni pietose. Corre come sempre come un pazzo,ma non sa' perchè.

TONY:6 Senza guanti e pantaloncini imbottiti è un po' in difficoltà, lotta comunque al suo solito sfiorando il goal in un paio di occasioni, non dialoga mai col compagno di reparto che parla la lingua mac incomprensibile per la maggior parte del genere umano.

PANDONE:6,5 Divora voracemente goal e palloni, tenta uno dei suoi soliti pallonetti, l'ultima volta che gli è nè riuscito uno pesava meno di 2 quintali.All'improvviso però ,quando tutti erano ormai sotto the shower making out hard, its a reverse shows the result in a draw in the general astonishment, the crash to the ground next year gives the public free of oil abbiatense.

PAUL HUNTER: 6 Sottospirito worse than a cherry, can not find the field by chance, thrown into the fray is in the goals jostle like a damn all I can focus.

Sonco: 6 easy to get to the place of Nino (or Casper) because the insured is a good figure (even if you're a corpse), he does his part 'what is asked and nothing more.

HEY MELA: SV Sign in to replace Saka, the physical characteristics are the same, apart from two fantastic emerald eyes ... can not remember anything about him, anonymously as a night watchman has yet to enter the complex workings of the team ... if they existed.

LICK: End the letter S SV his marathon of rare and absurd, after testicular elephantiasis, leprosy, Parkinson's, the Plague and the Scobie decides it's time to say enough, what drags 'that remains of him (too) at the camp and peace to all those who have inhaled.

sick dog: 6 Waking up early in the morning on Sunday and sit to watch an exhibition of un'ecoplasma is talkative Stoic, he entered his garage and helps to balance, dear Casper does not even need more than that, go piss in a rugby team who are always looking for someone Touche and mixtures


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